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6 Things to Keep in mind while conducting interviews for an internal investigation

When an interview is conducted not properly and effectively, then it results in less quality and quantity of information about the incident. A poorly conducted interview results in collecting little and unreliable data and failure to find the right root cause of the incident. Incorrect root cause leads to ineffective corrective measures, which fail to prevent a similar incident from happening again.

While conducting an internal investigation, companies should keep the following six things in mind:

1. Interview of the target of the investigation: Under normal circumstances, the target of the investigation would not be contacted until the end of the investigation. Interview other employees or managers that you believe might provide you with the information or evidence you are looking for before interviewing the target of the investigation. When the target sees all these interviews conducted by you, they become very nervous, which may help you when you interview them in the end.

2. Make sure confidentiality is maintained: When you conduct an interview, and interviewees provide you with very crucial information, then you have to make sure that the information that you gather stays confidential and only share it with only who have to need to know. You need to make sure all information gathered in interviews remains confidential, as revealing such information to other employees could negatively impact the interviewee and the trust of other employees in the internal investigation process.

3. What to do and not to do: Make sure you stay objective and unbiased while conducting an interview. It is important to listen carefully to what the interviewee says and not to interpret him/her in an unnecessary manner. Make sure the interviewee feels comfortable and there are no distractions during the interview. You should not assume anything about a person being interviewed or a situation being investigated. Last but not least, do not display any rude behavior.

4. Follow the same procedure every time:  When you conduct an interview for an internal investigation, then you have to make sure that other interviews also follow the same procedure. The same procedure and same interview questions will ensure the fairness and consistency of the investigation.

5. Thoroughly record or document the interview process: Video or voice recording of the interviews and proper documentation of the interview process are very important. Documentation and recording ensure that the information gathered during the internal investigation will be available for future reference if you need it.

6. The legal perspective of the interview:  When conducting interviews, it is essential to be aware of any legal implications that may arise, such as employee rights and discrimination laws. Your legal counsel can assist you in ensuring the investigation does not break any laws, affect the rights of any employee, or discriminate against anyone.


The information you have gained today will help you conduct an investigation interview in the right manner without discrimination or breaking any laws. By following the aforementioned points, you will be able to unearth sufficient evidence and collect enough information to determine the root cause of the incident and take appropriate corrective measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.

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