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Best Practices For Making Overtime Work For You

Overtime can be a great way to boost your salary, but it can also be stressful if you don’t know what to do. Here are the best practices for making overtime work for you.


1. Know Your Rights Under The Law

Overtime is a mandatory part of the job for most employees, but there are some exceptions. Make sure you know your rights under the law so you can protect yourself if something goes wrong.


2. Set Reasonable Expectations

Don’t expect overtime to be easy or convenient. Be prepared to put in the extra effort, and don’t expect things to go smoothly all the time. Overtime is usually more demanding than regular work, so be prepared for that!


3. Be Aware Of Your Time Clock And How It Works

Overtime is usually given in addition to regular hours, so be aware of your time clock and how it works. If you are working regular hours and are given overtime, make sure to account for the extra time in your work schedule.


4. Get Familiar With Your Workplace Policies And Procedures

This will help you understand when and how overtime is compensated, as well as any other workplace rules. Additionally, knowing your company’s culture can help you anticipate potential problems or issues that could arise during your overtime work.


5. Don’t Take Shortcuts

Overtime can be a lot of work, so make sure you’re organized and keep track of your deadlines. Overtime is often given as a punishment for mistakes, so don’t make any!


6. Keep Good Records

If something goes wrong with your overtime work, having good records will help prove your case. Keep track of the hours you worked, the hours you were paid for, and any notes or memos about what happened.


7. Be Proactive

If you’re expecting to be given overtime, be proactive about asking for it. Don’t wait until things are getting out of hand to ask your boss for more time.


8. Stay Organized And Efficient!

Overtime is often given as a punishment for mistakes, so make sure you’re organized and keep track of your deadlines. Overtime is time that can be wasted if it’s not used efficiently, so make sure to set up a system where you know when your work is due and how much time you have left.


Final Words


By following these tips, you will be able to take advantage of overtime and make the most of this valuable opportunity! 

To know more about overtime under the FLSA, attend the Compliance Prime webinar.

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