Replacement planning concentrates on choosing an immediate requirement for a particular position. It recognizes “backups” for positions and is more of a response to the necessity. Traditionally, replacement planning focuses on top-level roles, but it can be performed for any important role in the organization.
Replacement planning is usually mentioned in association with succession planning. But it does not have to be determined as an alternative to succession planning.
If the organization has a succession plan, then they might have identified the replacement or it could be an associated step in the current process. Replacement planning can append value even if the organization is practicing talent pools for the development of employees.
Here are three steps that can help in the replacement planning activity:
Identify Important Positions and the Critical Skills for Every Position
There are certain positions in the organization that would significantly affect the business if left open for a prolonged period. According to a survey done by SHRM, 42 days is the average period to fill an open role. It is very important to identify the important positions and qualities required for that position.
Evaluate the Skills of Current Employees and Match their Skills to the List of Critical Skills
Evaluating the skills of employees and matching it to the critical skills can be beneficial for the organization. It is also advantageous to look at the skills and abilities of consultants and freelancers who are at present partnered with the organization. These employees assist as backup employees in the department.
Give Attention to Positions that Don’t have Matches and Build a Plan to Address the Gaps
This activity will probably surface some positions that require immediate attention. It’s better to obtain this information through the planning activity. This step might incorporate development programs, contingent staffing, mentoring, and coaching. The company does not have to recognize a particular replacement, with replacement planning. It can practice talent pools to acquire transferable abilities for various positions.
As the companies are working hard to employ the best talent, it would be better if the employees never leave the job. Replacement plans give the organization with the support that a last-minute retirement, resignation, or employee sickness will not hamper the company.
Replacement plans help in one more way by providing the organization with a sight of the investment they need to make as a backup. Whether it’s long-term or temporary, employees need support if asked to consider greater responsibilities. Regular replacement planning exercises make the organization aware of the help and support the employee will require to be successful.