Recorded Webinar

Best Practices for FMLA Record-Keeping and the New FMLA Forms Revisions by the DOL

Duration: 90 minutes Speaker: Margie Faulk

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Most employers grapple with the better-known aspects of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), such as determining whether an employee’s illness constitutes a serious medical condition, obtaining required certification or providing adequate coverage for workers on intermittent leave. 

All too often employers focus on the leave itself and breathe a sigh of relief when notice is provided confirming the dates of leave or when the employee has resumed his or her usual schedule. But an employer’s compliance with federal law includes the obligation to maintain adequate records related to the leave. Failure to do so can have significant consequences.

Covered employers with eligible employees must also maintain records that include basic payroll and data identifying the employee’s compensation. Failure to maintain accurate records can have significant consequences for employers, who have the burden of establishing eligibility for leave.

Documents (defined to include written and electronic records) describing employee benefits or employer policies and practices regarding the taking of paid and unpaid leaves must also be maintained, along with records of premium payments, if any, of employee benefits.

In addition, the Department of Labor (DOL) has requested public feedback by 10/4/19 to revise FMLA forms even though the current forms expire in 2021. Learn how the new FMLA Required forms have changed.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn what types of recordkeeping requirements must be in compliance
  • Learn how Employers must ensure compliance of these requirement even if they outsource the FMLA Administration
  • Learn how to keep the FMLA documents free from discrimination
  • Learn how the DOL enforces fines, penalties and even criminal sanctions when it comes to non-compliance
  • Learn which requirements are in place for military exigency
  • Learn what information in FMLA Administration gives Employers the most headache
  • Learn what benefit information is crucial in establishing recordkeeping compliance
  • See how the new FMLA forms are different that the prior forms
  • Learn how the public feedback has impacted the new FMLA forms
  • See if the new FMLA forms are less complicated and easy to follow
  • Ensure you know what the cost of non-compliance is for FMLA

Bonus Handouts

  • Customized FMLA Checklist
  • FMLA New Forms
  • FMLA Recordkeeping Regulations

Who Should Attend

  • HR Professional
  • Compliance Professionals
  • Employers
  • Small Business Owners
  • Manager/Supervisor
  • Professionals considering outsourcing their FMLA Administration
  • Professionals who are considering inhouse FMLA Administration
  • Anyone interested in FMLA changes, compliance and recordkeeping guidelines
Margie Faulk

Margie Faulk, PHR, SHRM-CP is a senior level human resources professional with over 14 years of HR management and compliance experience. A former Compliance Officer for Federal Defense Contracting Industry, Margie has worked as an HR and Compliance advisor for major corporations and small businesses in the small, large, private, public and Non-profit sectors. Margie is bilingual (Spanish) fluent and Bi-cultural.

Margie’s focus is on multi-state, national, state and local workplace compliance. Additionally, Margie is working on International compliance initiatives globally which includes workplace compliance in other countries like the UK, Canada, France, Brazil, China, Africa, Mexico and India, just to name a few.

Margie has created and presented seminars/webinars for many compliance institutes. These national training providers, offer compliance training to professionals, business owners and companies interested in having their company compliant with workplace and industry regulations.

Margie holds professional human resources certification (PHR) from the HR Certification Institution (HRCI) and SHRM-CP certification from Society for Human Resources Management. Margie has completed the Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional training and is a member of the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics (SCCE).


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Credits: 1.5


Compliance Prime is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for PDC(s) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

Credits: 1.5

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Subjects: FMLA


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Gwen was fantastic and the material was very informative.



After seeing a few different tutorials on the subject, this is the first one that included real-world "heads up" advice for getting the most out of the pivot table environment. The presenter was Extremely knowledgeable.



Speaker was very animated, which I found amusing and kept me engaged on a topic that could be quite boring.

Sarah Blanos


The speaker was very interactive and made it fun.



Kathi is a great trainer. I was informed on all the things I need to look at when doing my walk through and preparing for the inspection.



The instructor is very professional and available for the attending students.

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