Duration: 90 minutes | Speaker: Janette Levey Frisch |
Available On-Demand
During the last decade or two, employers have found it increasingly difficult to decide which employees are entitled to overtime. Those classifications are commonly referred to as exempt employees (those who meet the FLSA’s requirements to be exempt from overtime pay) and non-exempt employees (employees the law requires to be paid overtime).
The FLSA contains dozens of exemptions, which basically provide that specific categories of employers and employees aren’t subject to the Act’s overtime requirements. Most common are the “white-collar” exemptions for executive, administrative, and professional employees, computer professionals, and outside sales employees.
What are these exemptions exactly? Who qualifies? What must you do to make sure that your employees are properly classified, and, most importantly how can you make sure that your practices comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act so you do not fall prey to a Department of Labor audit – or worse, a lawsuit—resulting in unpaid overtime, liquidated damages, other fines and penalties in addition to your legal fees? Join this webinar and find out!
Learn how to categorize employees as exempt employees and non-exempt employees according to Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and how to comply with the regulations.
Janette Levey Frisch, founder of The EmpLAWyerologist Firm, is an employment/HR attorney with over 20 year's legal experience. Ms. Frisch is a legal wellness professional for employment practices and workforce challenges. She works with employers to craft solid employment practices wellness plans tailored to address an organization’s needs and concerns. As a consultant, she offers legal services on virtually all federal and NJ and NY state employment law issues.
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