Excel Productivity Toolkit

Duration: 270 minutes Speaker: Mike Thomas


Individual Purchase Options
Download link will be emailed for single user access with handouts. Available in 3-5 business days, after Live Event. Never Expires.
$299 $599.00
Transcript (PDF)
PDF transcript of webinar with handouts will be emailed. Available in 7-10 business days, after Live Event. Never Expires.
$199 $499.00

Microsoft Excel is the most powerful tool to manage and analyze various types of Data. With this special training package, you can save your time at work and become more efficient than ever before. 

Get this 4.5 hrs of excel training package today and become an excel champ.

This Course Includes:

  1. Microsoft Excel: Creating An Interactive Dashboard
  2. Advanced Excel Functions: Lookup And Logical Tools
  3. Mastering Excel Pivot Tables: The Ace Analytical Tool Of Excel
  4. Time-Saving Excel® Tips, Tricks And Shortcuts

Areas Covered

  • Best practice for setting up data sources
  • Using Pivot Tables to summarize data
  • Visual communication using charts
  • Creating a rolling 30-day summary
  • Using formulas to create KPI summaries
  • Creating interactive filters with Slicers
  • Automating the dashboard with a simple macro
  • Using protection to prevent accidental changes
  • What is a Pivot Table, and Why Should I Create One?
  • Creating your First Pivot Table
  • Number Formatting and Calculations
  • Color-Coding and Styles
  • Filters, Slicers, and Timelines
  • Charting and on-the-fly Filtering
  • Custom Calculated Fields and Items
  • Leveraging the Excel Data Model
  • Understanding and Using VLOOKUP
  • Adding IFERROR and MATCH to Improve VLOOKUP
  • Replacing VLOOKUP with INDEX and MATCH
  • Creating Dynamic References with INDIRECT and OFFSET
  • Implementing Table-Based Referencing in your Spreadsheets
  • Adding IF, AND, and OR to your Skillset
  • Using Logical Functions for Dynamic Values
  • Using Logical Tests for Conditional Formatting
  • Data entry shortcuts including Transpose, AutoFill and Flash Fill
  • Taking Find and Replace to the next level
  • Automating cell formatting with Conditional Formatting
  • Creating and managing dynamic ranges
  • Pivot Table Power Tips
  • Using data across worksheets
  • Using protection to "bullet-proof" your spreadsheets
Mike Thomas

Mike Thomas has worked in the IT training business since 1989. He is a subject matter expert in a range of technologies including Microsoft Office and Apple Mac.

In 2012 Mike founded theexceltrainer.co.uk where he has produced nearly 200 written and video-based Excel tutorials.

He has recorded several Excel training courses for pluralsight.com and in his career delivered hundreds of courses and webinars on a wide variety of technology-related topics.

Mike is a Fellow of The Learning and Performance Institute and has worked with and for a large number of global and UK-based companies and organizations across a diverse range of sectors.

In addition to training, he also designs and develops Microsoft Office-based solutions that automate key business tasks and processes.

Neil Malek

Neil Malek runs Knack Training, an Orlando, FL area software and professional development training company. He is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, Adobe Certified Instructor, and CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer with 20 years of working with individuals, small businesses, non-profits, and Fortune 500 companies to identify and close skill gaps. He specializes in customized, hands-on, live workshops.

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Industries: Microsoft Office, Excel


What people are saying about us



The presenter was knowledgeable and answered questions along the way and after.



It was a well done presentation. I like how everything that was shown to us helps us to be more organized and productive.



Speaker was very animated, which I found amusing and kept me engaged on a topic that could be quite boring.



Great explanations and discussion.



The presenter is knowledgeable about the topic and makes the webinar interesting



Gwen is a very good teacher cause of all her years in the field.

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