Duration: 60 minutes | Speaker: Jacquiline M. Wagner, Esq. |
Available On-Demand
The less than one-year-old federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) requires most employers with 15 or more employees to provide “reasonable accommodations” for a worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, unless the accommodation will cause the employer an undue hardship.
The PWFA went into effect on June 27, 2023, and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) began accepting charges based on violations of the Act on the same day.
On April 15, 20204, the EEOC issued final regulations to the PWFA, providing important clarity to employers so they can better understand their duties under the PWFA.
The final regulations were approved by majority vote of the EEOC on Apr. 3, 2024 and will be published in the Federal Register on Apr. 19, 2024. The final regulations become effective on June 19, 2024.
Why You Should Attend
Who Should Attend
Jacquiline M. Wagner, Esq. is the proud President of Wagner HR. Jacquiline uniquely understands the needs of business owners and employers when it comes to educating employees. For almost twenty-five years, Jacquiline has enjoyed the honor of training hundreds of employees and supervisors in an assortment of industries concerning all aspects of Employment Law. Stemming from that experience, she has designed a wide array of engaging Human Resources, Employment Law, DE&I, business acumen, professional development, continuing education and leadership courses and presentations! In addition to spearheading Wagner HR, Jacquiline is a principal Human Resources and continuing education trainer on behalf of the Office of General Counsel for the Los Angeles Unified School District, where she serves as Associate General Counsel. (LAUSD does not sponsor, endorse or assume liability for Wagner HR. No public funds, materials, resources, supplies or equipment are used for or by Wagner HR.)
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The presenter was knowledgeable and answered questions along the way and after.
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