Duration: 90 minutes | Speaker: Janette Levey Frisch |
Available On-Demand
It seems every time we turn around there’s another story about a Hollywood or media executive or government official guilty of sexual harassment. Could there be someone like that in your workplace? Unfortunately, yes. Even though sexual harassment has been illegal for over 50 years, sadly it still runs rampant. Allegations alone can be enough to bring down a once-powerful executive – and often the company s/he represented. Add to that, the stories from many women, coming forward as a result to allege that men in all sectors at all levels have sexually harassed them and many times their complaints were ignored or swept under the rug. This trend if anything appears to be growing. Employers, business owners and HR practitioners need to know how to respond to sexual harassment allegations, and what measures they can and should take to prevent it from occurring at all. In this webinar, you will learn appropriate actions you should take when or if you should ever receive such complaints and how to be proactive in ensuring a harassment-free work environment.
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Who Should Attend
Janette Levey Frisch, founder of The EmpLAWyerologist Firm, is an employment/HR attorney with over 20 year's legal experience. Ms. Frisch is a legal wellness professional for employment practices and workforce challenges. She works with employers to craft solid employment practices wellness plans tailored to address an organization’s needs and concerns. As a consultant, she offers legal services on virtually all federal and NJ and NY state employment law issues.
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Credits: 1.5
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Credits: 1.5
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