Duration: 60 minutes | Speaker: Marcia Zidle |
Available On-Demand
Have you ever hired someone who did not live up to expectations? Are your managers selecting too many round pegs to fit into square holes?
Hiring the wrong person for the job is like asking a rabbit to swim. Rabbits may swim for a short stint, but they will struggle and eventually sink. That is exactly what happens when we hire people for positions that are not good fits. They will eat up your time and energy and weaken an entire team. It is a lot easier to hire rabbits to run and fish to swim.
The interview process should determine if there is a match between the individual and the position. Furthermore, a good process allows you to understand the applicant's behavior, values, motivations, and qualifications. Time and time again we have seen people hired for sales jobs that don’t like calling people, customer service people who can’t look into your eyes and say, “Hello.”
In this webinar, you will learn the essentials of behavioral interviewing: hiring the right people, at the right time, with the right skills, for the right position.
Areas Covered
Does your interviewing process consist of proven practices or just a hodgepodge of activities that get into gear when someone says, “I need more people” or “Sally has left and we need someone to take her place NOW?”
The effectiveness of your interviewing process impacts the effectiveness of the organization. A new hire that does not fit the position will be difficult to develop, will perform poorly and more likely leave resulting in the need to repeat the process. Only when interviewing is approached as a specific methodology with definable steps and measurable results can it be managed to ensure the hiring of quality people.
Smart hiring is more than posting requisitions, screening and talking with the candidates, checking references, making an offer, etc. It is a series of specific interviewing principles and techniques that can bring in top talent rather than lead to poor hires. The topics to be covered are:
The focus of this webinar is to help companies maximize their hiring efforts as well as helps managers and recruiters enhance their interviewing effectiveness. These eight points will be covered.
Learning Objectives
These seven points will be covered.
Bonus Handout: Smart Hiring - Selecting the Right Talent
Who Should Attend
Managers and Supervisors, talent management professionals, CEO’s, COO’s, VP of Human Resources, Chief Learning Officer, Directors, Project Managers, Operation Managers and Supervisors, Team Leaders, Human Resources Professionals, Recruiters
Marcia Zidle, the Smart Moves Coach, is a board-certified executive and career coach, business management consultant and keynote speaker, with over 25 years of management, business consulting and international experience in a variety of industries including health care, financial services, oil and gas, manufacturing, insurance, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, government and nonprofits. She has expertise in strategy and alignment; executive and team leadership development; social and emotional intelligence; employee engagement and innovation; career and organization change management; employee relations and talent management. Marcia has been selected one of LinkedIn Profinder’s top coaches for the past 7 years. Check out her 200 + LinkedIn articles she’s authored on Leadership, Management and Human Resources topics that have facilitated organizations to leverage their leadership and human capital assets generating greater effectiveness and profitability. Marcia’s claim to fame is as a world traveler having a multi-cultural spirit and perspective. She has lived as an expatriate with her family in Scandinavia and Australia. In fact, one of her children is an "Aussie". She’s traveled to over 30 countries throughout Europe, Middle East, Far East, and the South Pacific.
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Credits: 1.0
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