Recorded Webinar

Communication 101: How to Deal With Difficult Employees

Duration: 60 minutes Speaker: Tonia Morris

Available On-Demand


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People-problems, like people themselves, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes: some are trivial, minor irritations, while others are more substantial and seriously impair relationships or performance of a job to be done.

This course is ideal for supervisor or managers who need better techniques to ‘handle problem people’ or ‘deal with difficult staff’.  Its focus is to teach supervisor or managers more effective ways of managing performance or attitude problems before they become serious and what to do if action is needed. It is packed with many practical tips and techniques and help managers manage all difficult situations confidently and competently

Areas Covered

  • Employees with performance issues
  • Employees that regularly miss work deadlines or submit work that needs to be redone?
  • Employees who refuse to do assigned work or who tend to “pass the buck”
  • Employees that continuously ignore rules and regulations
  • Employee who have been late beyond minimum standards or absent beyond reasonable norms
  • Employees who cause personality conflicts with other workers or frequently have a negative attitude

Learning Objectives

  • The causes of conflict – how to recognize and pre-empt them
  • Managing situations confidently
  • Strategies for managing the difficult conversation – early interventions
  • Deciding when to take the most appropriate action
  • Building a case to tackle the difficult employee through investigation and documentation

Who Should Attend

  • Employees
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Team Leads
  • Office Managers
Tonia Morris

Morris is the CEO and founder of Simply HR, LLC and Tonia Morris Speaks. Tonia’s focus is geared to helping organization build a generational inclusive workforce by providing HR consultant services along with multi-generational training services. Tonia spent over 25+ years in the human resource profession. It is her desire to help be the change agent for today’s workforce. Tonia do this by providing relevant training topics and HR consultant services that help organization with attracting, developing and retaining a multi generation workforce. Tonia has helped notable organizations such as chic fi la, Oracle, Sherwin William’s, government and state agency across US. Tonia graduated from the University South Florida with a BS in Business Administration. Tonia is a professional speaker with the National Association of Speakers, a certified Diversity Professional and a certified coach.


The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

Credits: 1.0


Compliance Prime is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for PDC(s) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

Credits: 1.0

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What people are saying about us



Gwen is ahead of the game in presenting what is needed in a timely way.

Dustin Yellin


Thanks to you, we don't miss any update from my industry. I will recommend my colleagues to sign-up.



The instructor's ability to explain different findings and her ability to relate to them. Her knowledge and experience are game-changer and will help us keep a high score.



Gwen is a very good teacher cause of all her years in the field.

Sarah Blanos


The speaker was very interactive and made it fun.



Speaker was very animated, which I found amusing and kept me engaged on a topic that could be quite boring.

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