Recorded Webinar

Can You Get Sued If An Employee Gets COVID-19?

Duration: 90 minutes Speaker: Melissa Fleischer, Esq

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As an employer, you are probably quite concerned about whether you could get sued if an employee contracts COVID-19 in your workplace. 

This webinar will help not only answer this question but it will also recommend strategies, policies, and procedures for you to have in place to help protect from liability when employees get COVID-19 in the workplace.  Other important questions that will be discussed include what role does worker’s compensation laws play in all of this and whether there has been any change in state worker’s compensation laws recently as a result of COVID-19?  Also, whether there are there other laws being passed or proposed that could possibly provide immunity for employers if an employee can show they contracted COVID-19 in the workplace?  The answers to these and many more questions will be provided in this in-depth webinar analyzing these COVID-19 liability issues.

What You Will Learn During this Webinar:

  • Whether an employer can be held liable when an employee gets COVID-19 in the workplace?
  • Whether worker’s compensation laws would cover that illness or would COVID-19 not be covered by worker’s compensation laws?
  • Evidence an employee would have to show to hold an employer liable?
  • Whether there have been changes in worker’s compensation laws to create a presumption that employees contracted COVID-19 at work?
  • What federal or state laws are being passed or proposed to provide immunity to employers where employees get COVID-19 at work?
  • What strategies, policies and procedures should an employer use to protect itself from liability when employees get COVID-19 in the workplace
  • How to keep the workplace safe and follow OSHA and CDC Guidelines to help establish a defense to a lawsuit
  • Discussion of actual lawsuits brought against employers when an employee dies from COVID-19 they alleged they contracted at work
  • And much more…..

Who Should Attend

  • Owners
  • Directors
  • HR Professionals
  • Risk Managers
  • Vice President
  • Manager
  • In house counsel
  • Lawyers
Melissa Fleischer, Esq

Melissa Fleischer, Esq., is a sought-after employment law attorney and HR advisor, having utilized her 20 years of law practice experience specializing in employment discrimination litigation to form HR Learning Center LLC, an HR consulting firm that specializes in providing workplace solutions to employers on a wide range of legal and human resource management issues. Ms. Fleischer provides preventative counseling and proactive training on a wide-range of employment law issues to help employers achieve legal compliance and reduce litigation costs, Ms. Fleischer is a management-side employment attorney and is nationally recognized as an expert in her field. Ms. Fleischer has successfully represented numerous clients in employment discrimination litigation as well as providing preventive counseling and training on workplace issues. Ms Fleischer was previously associated with Epstein Becker & Green in NYC.

Through HR Learning Center, Ms. Fleischer provides on-site training seminars and on-line training webinars and consulting on a wide range of workplace and human resource issues including sexual harassment, disabilities, diversity, discrimination, workplace violence, employee use of social media, job descriptions, employee handbooks, workplace investigations, FLSA misclassification and independent contractor status, information privacy and security, and HR records management. She also offers compliance training on the major employment laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, including exempt and non-exempt worker classifications and the National Labor Relations Act. She presents seminars, leads webinars and workshops, and is a frequent lecturer on these and other HR management and legal topics.

Ms. Fleischer served as a chapter editor for the Family and Medical Leave Act Treatise, published by the Bureau of National Affairs. She also served as an Editor for HRExpert, an on-line legal resource for attorneys and HR Professionals. Ms. Fleischer is an adjunct faculty member with the Professional Development Center at SUNY/Westchester Community College in Valhalla, New York. She is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Ms. Fleischer earned her J.D. degree from The George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C., and her B.A., cum laude, from New York University.


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Credits: 1.5

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The presenter is knowledgeable about the topic and makes the webinar interesting



I have loved every webinar that Gwen has done. She is informative and helpful.

Maria Glezos


I thought it was well organized, comprehensive and the speaker was an effective communicator.



The presenter was knowledgeable and answered questions along the way and after.



Speaker was very animated, which I found amusing and kept me engaged on a topic that could be quite boring.

Elizabeth Jeffery


The speaker was extremely knowledgeable. Speaker moved the program forward at a good pace. The time flew by.

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