Recorded Webinar

Excel Formulas & Functions for HR Professionals

Duration: 90 minutes Speaker: Mike Thomas

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Think of any HR-related scenario that involves addition, subtraction, division or multiplication of numbers and you’ll find that Excel is often the best tool for the job.

To perform these calculations you'll need to have a good understanding of formulas and functions.

Formulas are the cornerstone of calculations. Functions are built-in formulas that have been programmed to perform a specific calculation. They range from the simple such as SUM and AVERAGE (used to calculate the total and average of numbers in a range of cells) to the powerful IF and VLOOKUP.

Functions aren’t limited to calculating numeric data. They can save you a ton of time when working with text and dates too. For example, you can quickly calculate someone’s age from their date of birth, combine text items from several cells into a single cell or convert a list of lower case text items to capital letters.

Areas Covered

  • Creating formulas to perform mathematical calculations
  • Copying formulas and the difference between absolute and relative references
  • Assigning names to cells and using them in formulas
  • Using functions to combine text strings from multiple cells
  • Using functions to change text from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa
  • Using functions to perform calculations on dates and times
  • Using the IF function to automate data entry
  • Creating complex functions the easy way

Learning Objectives

Formulas and functions will automate your calculations and save you a ton of time. No more using your fingers. No more mental arithmetic. No more using the calculator app on your Smartphone! Let Excel do the work for you!

Who Should Attend

This session is aimed at HR professionals who use Excel at a basic level and want to learn how to create formulas and use some of the built-in functions.

The training will be delivered using Excel 2016 for Windows however much of the functionality is also available to users of earlier versions of Excel on both Windows and Mac.

Mike Thomas

Mike Thomas has worked in the IT training business since 1989. He is a subject matter expert in a range of technologies including Microsoft Office and Apple Mac.

In 2012 Mike founded where he has produced nearly 200 written and video-based Excel tutorials.

He has recorded several Excel training courses for and in his career delivered hundreds of courses and webinars on a wide variety of technology-related topics.

Mike is a Fellow of The Learning and Performance Institute and has worked with and for a large number of global and UK-based companies and organizations across a diverse range of sectors.

In addition to training, he also designs and develops Microsoft Office-based solutions that automate key business tasks and processes.

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What people are saying about us



Presenter was super thorough and gave me pics to see what we were talking about.



Great explanations and discussion.

Lisa Pardilla


Great speaker and very detailed information. I got a lot out of this webinar. Thank you.

Lucious Cameron


The subject matter was very interesting and the instructor was well informed. Content of the webinar was Very Helpful!



Loved the cartoons. Made it easy to understand.

Brittany Brown


The instructor was awesome! Very informative, Extremely knowledgeable

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